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Allotment Visit October 2015

Monday 12th October 2015
Today the Greenshoots children visited Jason at the Laira Green Allotment. It was a
lovely sunny afternoon to be out and about.
The children enjoyed picking the sunflower seeds out of the heads of the sunflowers that
had gone over. Jason kindly gave us some of our own sunflower seeds to plant in the spring.
Next we visited the orchard and Jason told us about the different apples that grow there. Some were eating apples but some could only be used for cooking. Jason let the
children look after some of the special apples.

Jason and the Laira Green school children had been growing lots of yummy things to
eat. Jason kindly let us try some lovely fruits and vegetables from the allotment. We tried
some cucumber, melon and apple. The apples were our favourite!

After we had had our little snack and a drink we went to visit the allotment chickens. We
took them some lovely cabbage leaves to eat and Jason had brought some meal worms as
a treat for the chickens. The Greenshoots children enjoyed visiting the chickens and
feeding them.

We are looking forward to going back to the allotment again in the spring. Thank you for
letting us visit Jason.